Network Requests
One of Lune's most useful libraries is the networking library, also known as net
. This library
lets you access the internet and make HTTP requests to different websites, servers, and external
Sending HTTP Requests
Sending HTTP requests is the most basic function of the net
Let's make a script called googler.luau
local net = require("@lune/net")
local response = net.request("")
if response.ok then
"Google responded with status code",
"and response message",
print("Google is down!! What?!?")
Now you can place this script in your current directory, and run it using Lune:
lune run googler
Sending JSON Requests
JSON (opens in a new tab), or JavaScript Object Notation, is the most common format
for sending data over the network. Lune includes APIs for serializing & deserializing JSON, also
known as stringifying & parsing, in the net
library. Let's use the free testing web API at
(opens in a new tab) and send + receive
some JSON data:
print("Sending PATCH request to web API")
local apiResponse = net.request({
url = "",
method = "PATCH",
headers = {
["Content-Type"] = "application/json",
body = net.jsonEncode({
title = "foo",
body = "bar",
if not apiResponse.ok then
"%s\n%d (%s)\n%s",
"Failed to send network request!",
type ResponseType = {
id: number,
title: string,
body: string,
userId: number,
local responseTable: ResponseType = net.jsonDecode(apiResponse.body)
assert(responseTable.title == "foo", "Invalid json response")
assert(responseTable.body == "bar", "Invalid json response")
print("Got valid JSON response with post title set to 'foo' and post body set to 'bar'")
print("Full response:", responseTable)
Running the above script Lune should now send a request to the placeholder API, verify that the response was correct, and print it out:
lune run json-api
Network Server
Lune can not only perform network requests, it can also open a server on a given port and serve requests on it. Here's a small example:
local net = require("@lune/net")
local counter = 0
net.serve(8080, function()
counter += 1
return {
status = 200,
body = "Hello! This is response #" .. tostring(counter),
print("Listening on port 8080 🚀")
Just like before, you can place this script in your current directory, and run it using Lune:
lune run network-server
Now, when you visit http://localhost:8080/
(opens in a new tab) you should see the response
text above and the counter increasing each time you visit the page.